Sunday, March 16, 2008

Funny Faces

Whenever we try to take Connor's picture lately, he always squints because of the flash. It makes for quite a funny face, but we rarely get a picture with his eyes open lately. Here's what I mean.

So Jake decided he wanted to be like Connor, and made the same face...we think he may have started a trend

Here's a decent one

Even though I cut several inches off my hair, Connor still tries to chew on it. Yuck!


Lindsey said...

Cute Hair! Although, I only rememeber you having short hair. Conner seems like such a funny character. He sure is adorable.

Adam and Melisa said...

Sooooo cute! What else can I say? They have so much personality at this age!

Sara said...

Conner is so cute!!! I love his funny little faces that he pulls. You and Jacob look great too!