Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fun at Grandma and Grandpa's

Because our new apartment in Ephraim, UT wasn't going to be ready until the end of August and Jake needed to start work in the middle of August, we were in a bind, since we had no where to live for a few weeks. Luckily, Jake's parents live only 12 miles from Ephraim and they were nice enough to let us stay with them.

Of course Connor was in heaven! He instantly had a HUGE yard to play in where the weather wasn't unbearable. His first request every morning when he woke up was "OUTSIDE?!!!" He especially loved riding with Grandpa on the lawn mower or the four wheeler (which he calls a "car truck").

He also seemed to enjoy the fact that none of Grandma's kitchen cabinets had child-proof locks on them. One morning I set him in front of the TV in Jake's parents bedroom and hoped that he'd be entertained for a few minutes while I made the bed in the other room. Somehow he managed to sneak past me and into the kitchen. After a few minutes, I heard a crunching sound and could only imagine what he had gotten into. When I turned the corner I found this...

He managed to find a relatively full box of Kix cereal in the kitchen and brought it back into their room so he could enjoy a snack while watching TV. Ahhh, kids...

Connor also loved playing in this little red car given to us by our friends in Mesquite. Connor could literally play with this for hours. Here he is driving with his cousin Tanner.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Farewell Mesquite, NV

While we are very excited to begin this next journey for our family, as Jake begins preparing for pharmacy school, we are EXTREMELY sad to be leaving behind our friends in Mesquite. While we were only in Nevada for a short time, we were able to grow close to many families. Connor especially grew close to my friend Nikki's little girl, Jessa. There were a few weeks that he would stand at the door and shout "Jessa, Jessa!" so that we could go and see her. I think he has the hots for her :)
Nikki, Jessa, and Hayden

Jessa and Connor
And of course, I am sad to be leaving my friends Rachel and Mindi whom I served with in Young Women's. They are such amazing women!

Our kids playing at the local fast food playground. What else do you do with your kids in a small town when it's 115 degrees outside? A special thanks to the Young Women who helped us pack and clean our apartment before we moved. You helped out SO much! I will miss you all!!!