Friday, July 10, 2009

Cody - 7 Months Old

Can you believe Cody is 7 months old already?! He has been so much fun to have in our family. He loves rolling over, drooling, smiling, squealing, putting everything he can grab in his mouth, and playing with his big brother. He really does seem to genuinely love Connor. Every time he walks in the room, Cody gets all excited and starts squealing. We sure love him!

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July Weekend

Our 4th of July weekend was so much fun! We spent the day in Moroni with Jake's family.
My sister-in-law and I got up early to run the 5k Fun Run. Afterwards, we went to the city's pancake breakfast at the park. Then we took the kids to the parade downtown. Connor was in heaven...candy and popsicles being thrown at him for a half-hour! Then, Jake took Connor down to the carnival where he got to play in a bounce house and go down a huge water slide. We ended the day with a game of corn-hole. No fireworks though, too much rain and wind. My kids were worn out by then anyway! Here are some pictures from the day.

Cody w/Aunt Lucy
Me, Lucy, and Laurel
The Blackham gang (I love Connor's face)

Cody & Connor w/Lucy & Laurel watching the parade
Lucy's amazing corn-hole skills
Cody watching us play corn-hole
Connor & Laurel @ the carnival

Friday, July 3, 2009

Our Fun Summer

Since Jake has spent the summer down in Cedar City taking Organic Chemistry, we've spent and a lot of time at Jake's parents' house in Moroni. Here are some fun things Connor has done.

coloring w/Aunt Laurel
playing in the new sandbox w/Grandpaspraypainting the swingset w/Aunt Laurel & Aubrey
pouring an entire container of syrup on
his plate when no one was looking!
he must get his sweet tooth from his mom!
playing with Dad's chemistry lab set
reading w/Grandpa
eating his first icecream cone
tickling Codytrying on Dad's shoes
picking peas in the garden...he could do this ALL day! when he first picked one
and opened the pod he said, "Holy Cow, Mom! There are little balls in here!" :)