Cody Samuel Blackham was born on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 2:45 pm. He weighed 7 lbs 3 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. We feel so blessed to have him in our family. Words can not completely describe how happy we are!!!
Here are a few details leading up to his birth:
Early Wednesday morning I started having regular, fairly painful contractions. Not wanting to go to the hospital too early and be turned away, I decided to wait it out at home for as long as I could bare it. I was surprised at how quickly my contractions started to come, and around 10:30am, Jake and I decided it would be best to drop Connor off at Jake's parents' house and head to the hospital. After being admitted, the nurse informed me I was dialated 5 cms. After enduring a few hours of painful contractions, I requested a much appreciated epidural around 1:00pm. After pushing for about 10 minutes, Cody entered the world at 2:45pm.
After the nurse handed him to me after checking his vitals, he seemed so calm, alert and attentive. We noticed right away that he and Connor looked quite similar. We couldn't keep our eyes off of him! It's such a neat experience to be able to meet your child after anticipating his arrival for 9 months. We both feel so humbled to be blessed with the opportunity to be Cody's parents.
Later on Wednesday evening, Jake's parents and sisters brought Connor over to see Cody. I was surprised at how quickly Connor understood that Cody was no longer in "Mommy's belly" and that he had arrived. Connor kept asking to sit on Mommy's bed and "hold it!"- referring to Cody. He kept saying, "come see me" and kept telling Grandma to put Cody in his lap. While holding him, Connor giggled with excitement. I got a little teary seeing my two boys meet for the first time. We only hope Connor will learn at his young age to be gentle with his little brother...we'll see how that goes :)
Since being home, Cody has been so pleasant and calm. He only cries when hungry or when getting his diaper changed. He's nursing very well, sleeping fairly well, and is alert when awake. I am recovering well and am so grateful to my wonderful husband and mother-in-law for all of their help in allowing me the rest I need. I am constantly reminded that Jake is an AMAZING dad. He is always willing to help with diaper changes, entertaining Connor, and whatever else I need. It's so nice to have a husband who sees a need and just helps out, without having to be asked. I am SO lucky!!!
What a special time of life this is. I'd better go enjoy it!